September Station

P1020045Route 41 South, Sheffield, MA. Photo by Howie Lisnoff

September Station

September’s country lanes

Had filled with goldenrod and Queen Anne’s lace

Down through the Berkshires and Taconics

To Wassaic Station.


There is something that fits a train station in September

You can see both ways

Back into the comfort of summer

And ahead to the promise of cool fall

It is like the reunion and the leave-taking

Illuminated by giant Cyclops’ light of diesel engines

A metaphor for the eternal emptying of life.

Reflections at the Approach of a Great Summer Storm

UnknownPublic domain photo


Reflections at the Approach of a Great Summer Storm

Great ink black billowing cumulonimbus

Driven in from the southwest

Their rain shafts and lightning

Trailing over the deep emerald green of hills

Dotted by ancient silent stones

That mark

Forgotten loves and trials and immense paradoxes.

“Double Apple Album” Night

 Public domain photo by

Public domain photo by

“Double Apple Album” Night

Down through the Berkshires and the Taconics to Wassaic Station

Back roads of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York

Through an ethereal moonlit mist

Fields afire with summer in the west

Jupiter and Venus

Both half waxing moon and planets playing briefly above darkened peaks

Shortest nights of the year

Then “Blackbird” plays

Breaking perfect silence

Calling forth pale ghosts and spirits

Through corridors of lost time.